1. The store does not assume any responsibility for service interruption, data loss, information error or other losses caused by force majeure (such as natural disaster, war, government act, law change, technical failure, network interruption, hacker attack, virus infection, etc.).
2. The Store shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or other losses (including but not limited to loss of business profit, loss of business interruption, loss of data loss, loss of reputation, etc.) suffered by the user due to the use of the Store service or reliance on the commodity or service information provided by the Store. Even if the Store has been advised that such losses may occur.
3. The Store does not assume any responsibility for the content, services, privacy policies or security of third-party websites or platforms (such as social media platforms, advertising affiliates, payment agencies, etc.), and users should assume the corresponding risks and responsibilities when accessing or using third-party websites or platforms, and comply with the rules and terms of the third party.
2. The Store shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or other losses (including but not limited to loss of business profit, loss of business interruption, loss of data loss, loss of reputation, etc.) suffered by the user due to the use of the Store service or reliance on the commodity or service information provided by the Store. Even if the Store has been advised that such losses may occur.
3. The Store does not assume any responsibility for the content, services, privacy policies or security of third-party websites or platforms (such as social media platforms, advertising affiliates, payment agencies, etc.), and users should assume the corresponding risks and responsibilities when accessing or using third-party websites or platforms, and comply with the rules and terms of the third party.